Friday, January 7, 2022

2022: Let's Take a Different Approach to New Year's Resolutions

New Year, New motivation, New attitude, New..... What does the new year mean to you? For some that I have spoken with, 2021 was not that great - the range of issues they have struggled with is broad. But with the new year in full swing, they have made comments like, "it can only get better from here...", "I am feeling optimistic...", and even "this is my breakout year." All see a new year, in some form or another, as a way to hit the 'refresh' button - clear the cache in computer terms. 

Straight up: I do not like to say 'resolutions' - it feels so rigid and burdensome. So when people ask if I make new year's resolutions, I say - Nope! But I do make Goals. While the beginning of a new year is a time to reset and realign your goals, the beginning of a new year is also a time to reflect on goals I set last year. Did I achieve them? Did circumstances redefine those goals - or make them not relevant anymore? Was there something that held me back from achieving those goals?

Where and who do I want to be in 2022?

Goals allow you to reflect over your entire life - personally, professionally, mentally, emotionally, financially, physically, socially, etc. We are multi-dimensional, not a one-note song. Reflecting on who you are as a whole person - not just your career, for example, can help you re-center on what is important to you. Take time to be quiet and reflect on this. 

Make your goals SMART goals. Specific. Measurable. Achievable. Relevant. Time-specific.

I have found making SMART goals is the key to achieving those goals. And, for me personally, it really makes me stop and think about the goal I am setting for myself. 

I have linked some great articles and resources for helping you make goals can be found below. What are some of your goals? 

It is time to set those goals and go after them! Let's do this! 


Meier, J.D. How John Maxwell Sets Goals.

Stahl, Ashley. This New Year's Set Goals, Not Resolutions.

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